Ultimate Impostrip® Pro

The Professional Imposition Solution

Ultimate Impostrip® Pro eases you into the world of optimized imposition. It provides
the professional features to manage an imposition workflow and take advantage of all
you print equipment capabilities. Get full control over page position, bleed, page-spread,
page scaling, marks and margins for best quality for digital printing.

• Hot Folder Automation
Save your template information and preferences to your Hot Folder and use this to drop
your files in as they come.

• Origami Template Editor
By enabling folds and cuts, you can create what most prepress users would call a virtual
‘’paper dummy’’. Once this paper model is created, the imposition template will
automatically be generated for you.

• Job Barcode
Job Barcode for tracking and finishing.

• Dynamic Templates
Allowing the use of the same imposition layout for multiple size jobs simultaneously.

• Marks Profiles – New!
Defining sets of marks to be printed every time, at the exact location on the printed

• Best Fit Automatic Layout
Automatically selects the best suitable layout among all your templates

• And more.